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107   Articles with this Tag

This month marks five years since John took a chance on an unknown writer, and put me on the path of checking out all sorts of watch-related coolness. It also happens to be my birthday this month. With that double event, I thought it was time for presents – but for you, dear reader!

We have reviewed all manner of straps over the past few years, mostly focusing in on what is available in terms of custom leather options, and affordable (but still higher-end) two-piece straps. It’s not that we do not like NATO straps. That’s not the case at all, as we have certainly reviewed some in the past. It is just that there is such a wide variety of inexpensive ones out there, that we really do not need to cover them. When you can pick them up for under $10 apiece from your favorite outlet, do you really need a review? On the flip side, there are ones out there making something quite different, like Suigeneric, or the brand behind today’s review, Vario.