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Thank you for stopping by to check out this week’s installment of Watch Video Rewind, where we highlight watch related videos we think may be of interest. Two weeks ago I went to a WatchBuys Road Show and checked out a number of watches from small and mid-sized German watch makers. The star of the show for me was the Jochen Benzinger Zeitsprung, with truly amazing hand finishing. This week, I will peel back the curtain just a hair and show you a couple of video’s that highlight Jochen Benzinger’s tools, methods, expertise and craftsmanship.

WatchBuys is an on-line retailer of German Watches, where the watches they represent have a limited or non-existent retail presence. With limited ability to go into a store, it is tough to really get a feel for the quality and, frankly, beauty of these watches. Hence, a road show. The events are invitation only, but all you have to do in order to get an invitation is ask. There are no sales whatsoever at the WatchBuys road show events, it is all for watch lovers to check out these smaller brands. This past weekend they were in Los Angeles (Pasadena to be exact), and I checked out the wares.