
Yes, that’s right – there’s a digital watch with some automatic functionality included.  We covered the original iteration of MGS (seen here) back at the end of 2011; they’ve updated the model, and that’s what we’ll be taking a look at today.


While there are changes to this new iteration, there’s quite a bit unchanged from the original model that I found so intriguing:

  • The watch is powered by a “Micro Generator System”, which is why you see the automatic rotor up today under a sapphire crystal
  • The main display is still a 12-digit LCD with LED backlighting
  • There is still a rather large scroll wheel (ala Braun) to control functions.


So, what’s changed?  Most prominently, the watch has a completely new and very curvy/rounded case designed by Paolo Fancelli.  While I don’t know any of his other work, he’s definitely taken the industrial hard edges of the original away and left you with a more organic feel to strap onto your wrist.


Of course, as with the original model ,you’re going to need some deeper products to pick this watch up – pricing has been left unchanged at $5500.  So, what do you think – is this latest iteration a welcome change to an interesting (if pricey) model?  You can get more information here.

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Last Update: February 3, 2013

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