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Interview with a Watch Maker – Andrew Perez of Astor + Banks

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Welcome back to our recurring “Interview with a Watch Maker” series. In this series, we’re talking with a variety of folks from across the industry, and get insight into their background, what drives them, and why they’re coming up with the designs they’re creating. Today, we’re speaking with Andrew Perez of Astor + Banks about all those things.

Interview with a Watch Maker: Cal Giordano of Timemachinist Watches

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

As of late, we have taken to putting a set of questions to the brands we have been working with. While it was originally intended to sort of help flesh out the background information for our review, they have been turning into a great resource, that helps us – and now you – get some insight into the people behind the watches we are reviewing. With that, let’s kick off our inaugaral edition of our new series, Interviews with a Watch Maker. Today, we’re talking with Cal Giordano of Timemachinist Watches.

Watching the Web for March 12, 2016

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Here we are, weekend #2 in March, and time for the Watching the Web. But first, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead for the start of Daylight Saving Time (unless you live in Arizona, in which case, nevermind…). As we usually do in this space we get to point you toward a couple of interesting articles we find on other watch blogs, and then also highlight our own popular posts. from the World Wide Web, I wanted to highlight a really cool looking titanium watch, a Fabergé for the ladies, and a dive watch for the divers amongst the masses. From our site, we have the Timex Waterbury, the Deep Blue Daynight SCUBA, and teh Novus.

The WWR 2015 Holiday Gift Guide

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Earlier this year I was attending an alumni event and the subject matter turned to watches (how I turned it there I don’t recall). One of the group asked what I would recommend for her to get her boyfriend as a gift. My first question was how much money she wanted to spend. When she said roughly $1,000, I immediately recommended a Weiss. Her question also got me thinking about how I could organize the 2015 holiday gift guide. So for this iteration, I will recommend my favorite watch (or watch related gift) in each of several price ranges. Chances are, if I like it, especially if it under about $1,500, we have covered it in the past, since that is the kind of people we are; but there may be watches here (especially at the high end) that have not graced our pages.

Dear Hopeful Crowd Funded Watchmakers – An Open Letter from a Fan

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Dear Hopeful Crowd Funded Watchmaker; Allow me to start by saying that I think you are doing something really cool, and that I am a huge fan. This is the first time in history where the power to build, market and sell a watch is not vested in the few, but open to anyone with an idea and a bit of money. I think that a lot of the projects that you come up with are attractive, interesting and offer a great value. Heck, I have backed a couple of projects myself. And to keep from singling anyone out, the crowdfunded projects I show here are the projects that I feel are doing it the right way.

Watching the Web for September 19, 2015

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Welcome back to another edition of our Saturday feature, Watching the Web. In it, we take a spin around to other web sites and find recent articles that have piqued our interest. We also use this as a chance to highlight the articles from our site that managed to grab the most views over the last week or so. First, from the wider world of watches, we have a pair of pocket watch articles, a new smart watch from Timex, and a photo essay on Bremont. From our own site, the reviews of the ManchesterWatchWorks Westminster and Vergennes watches was once again popular, as were our articles on Benrus and Hexa.