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Introducing the Virata VRT1 Series

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Somewhere along the way, I became rather drawn to interestng case shapes. Then again, that should not be all that surprising. There is plenty to like about a well-executed, classic case design, as production (and sales) numbers will attest. With the flood of watches from new brands though, how best to stand out? Prior to today’s example, the best one I can point to, in terms of standing out with a new case, was Visitor Watch Co. Well, there’s a new (patented) case out in the world, in the form of the Virata VRT1 series.


Forging ahead with the Tempest Carbon2

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

One of the absolute great things about being a watch reviewer is the number of watches that we get coming across our desks. Yeah, it can be overwhelming at times, but the sheer variety keeps things interesting. It’s even better when you start a relationship up with a brand, and you get to experience their watches changing and improving over time. It was only a year and a half ago that we got to talk about the most affordable forged carbon watch at the time, the Tempest One. Well, as you can guess with that title up above, the second gen has arrived. Read on to see what we thought of the Tempest Carbon2 in our time with it.


Reader Reviews: Magrette Dual Time

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Guess who’s back, back again. Yes, that’s right, it’s time for another reader review! Ok, sure, it has not been that long since we featured one but we really enjoy sharing what our readers are wearing, and what they think of the watches they are spending quality time with. Today, we have a review from Jose C of the Magrette Dual Time watch, the spiritual successor to the Magrette Regattare 2011. On with the show!