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Introducing Belmoto Timepieces

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Sometimes, a brand will want to branch out into new designs – this happens quite a bit, across many industries. If there is some concern that the new direction might dilute or otherwise confuse what had already been built, a new brand will be created, allowing some other avenues to be explored. Of course, all the expertise and history travel along from the sister brand, which makes what we have with the Belmoto Timepieces an interesting proposition.


Sunday Rewind Reviews: Benarus Vintage Moray and Van Speyk Dutch Diver

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

This Sunday I am doing something a little different. Instead of showing off a few videos, I am going to do a pair of re-reviews, Rewind Reviews if you will, second looks at watches that we have featured here at the site. I have a pair of divers that Patrick reviewed the Benarus Vintage Moray and the Van Speyk Dutch Diver. I have had some time with both watches, and I like them both, though they are very different.


New Watches From Magrette for 2016

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Finding out about new watches from brands we like is especially fun. You get to learn about what is new and changed on existing models, and sometimes even see something brand new being introduced. A lot of that sort of information happens in dribs and drabs, or in the giant flood known as BaselWorld. Well, Magrette likes to do things their own way, and they simply sent out an email detailing what was coming for 2016, to give those interested a chance to pre-order. So, with that background, let’s have a look at what is in the cards for Magrette next year.


Snag a Deal of the Tempest Viking V2

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Sales, sales, sales, that seems to be the mantra of the season (at least in the retail world), and we are happy to pass along these notifications to you, our dear reader, as long as they come from a brand we know and trust. And this is the case with the Tempest Viking V2, a serious dive watch with a 2,000 meter depth rating (yes, it is overkill) and a helium escape valve. For the holiday, Tempest is offering 10% off the Viking V2 if you use the coupon code “xmas2015” prior to check out.


Thar She Blows! The Boschett Harpoon Spirit of Essex Is Up For Pre-Order

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Boschett is not a brand we have written about for awhile, and things had been relatively quiet. Then, not that long ago, we received word of a new model they had coming out, with the pre-order currently underway. While we looked at their Reef Ranger previously, their Harpoon lineup seems to be popular as well. So, with that, let’s take a look to see what the Boschett Harpoon Spirit of Essex has to offer.


Diving in with the Manchester Watch Works Tatoskok

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

I have said it many times before, and I will likely say it many times more – dive watches are simply one of, if not the, most popular styles of watches today. Most of them show on the wrists of those who don’t dive (such as this writer), so it really becomes more of a style choice. Sure, there is some appeal to the capability that a dive watch represents, but for most desk divers, it is the look of the watch that draws them in. So, then, if a new brand is bringing a diver to the market, it should offer something unique – and that is what we have with the Manchester Watch Works Tatoskok.


Cobra de Calibre Crossfire, Back This Watch

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Is it my fault? Am I not being clear enough when I review the Cobra de Calibre watches and say, “hey you should check this guy’s work out.” There have been a few great success stories with crowd funding where one project turned into two or three and then into a full blown brand (looking at you Lew & Huey). I can’t understand how John Lee has not yet developed a cult following that funds all his projects. Well, it isn’t too late to jump on board with his latest, the Cobra de Calibre Crossfire seeking funding on Kickstarter.