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Watching the Web for May 21, 2016

Thank you all for stopping by and checking out our weekly watching the Web feature, where we take a little time to highlight articles we find of interest on other sites, as well as point you back toward our most popular articles of the last week or so. This week, I wanted to direct you to a review of a sharp looking dive watch, a sharp looking budget chrono, and a razor sharp high end watch from Cvstos. Looking internally, we have another appearance by Torgoen, a fresh review of one of our most popular articles of all time, and a diver for your perusing pleasure.


Rossling & Co looks to fund their new Metropolitan

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

It can be quite a treat to see a brand come along and then start to explore new avenues of design. One such of those brands would be Rossling & Co. We became aware of them early on in their kickstarted existence, and just recently they started up a new project, with a design that takes their previous design in a new direction. So, what does the new Rossling & Co Metropolitan collection have in store for you?


Introducing the Gavox Avidiver

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

When it comes to watches, many folks will often have a a favorite watch from particular brands. Less common is an expressed interest in the wider line, especially with the indie watch brands. For me, at least, Gavox is one of those brands that I think have something in all of their models. Sure, the earlier watches we very much similar to what we saw from Techne, but that’s not a bad thing. As of late, though, Gavox has really stepped up their game, with introductions of watches like the Aurora and Squadron. Their most recent model, the Gavox Avidiver, shows the brand continuing to branch out.


Introducing the Vilhelm Elemental

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

When it comes to the watches that collectors are on the search for, materials can often play a critical role. While that often focuses on the precious metals, there have been an interesting mix of other materials as of late. Some of you likely have experienced a titanium watch, or one with some ceramic on it (usually a bezel), or perhaps even forged carbon fiber. Those materials generally show up on the higher-end watches. What if there was an affordable watch that managed to combine all three? That’s what the Vilhelm Elemental is going for.


Kicking off the Mansfield Time Automatica One

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

What’s that? You say you’re trying to create a watch via crowdfunding, and you arrived at this idea because nothing else out there met your idea of a perfect watch? While this may ring true for many creators, it’s a line that has been trotted out time and again, and it simply does not get our engines turning over. No, for that, you have to offer up something that is particularly different from what has come before, and that is where watches like the Mansfield Time Automatica One jump ahead of the pack.


Uhuru Watches is looking for input on the Ukhozi Pilot

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

There seems to be a run on watch brands looking for input from their customers. It is a benefit of this new watch economy that allows the smaller indie brands to reach out directly to the consumer. We saw it before with both Prometheus LINK and Janis Trading LINK, and now we’re seeing it from Uhuru Watches. There was an update that came out earlier this week on their new Ukhozi Pilot watch that also served as a method for asking for that input. Before we get to that, let’s see what the


Diving in with the Halios Tropik

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Sometimes, it certainly can feel like you’re trying to drink from a firehose when it comes to keeping up with all the indie watch brands on the market these days. Even if you limit yourself to a single type of watch (for instance, divers) and shy away from those mushrooming up on Kickstarter, you are still left with an embarrassment of riches. This also means that, for us here at WWR, we can sometimes overlook a particular brand or watch. Vancouver-based Halios is one of those brands. For whatever reason, they were in my periphery, but I never focused in on them. That is, until I caught sight of the white-dialed Halios Tropik.