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Hands Off With the Mr Jones Chatterbox

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Yes, that’s right – we have gone “hands off” with our review of the Mr Jones Chatterbox. Well, sure, we have spent time with it, so we have truly gone hands on. But the watch itself, you see, does not have any hands. Then again, since you read our earlier writeup you already knew that. Maybe a better appellation would be hands free. Not that there is any tech involved here, bluetooth or otherwise, just a simple automatic movement with some rather clever art. Ok, that is about enough of my rambling around, let’s get on with the review of the Mr Jones Chatterbox.


Steinhart Ocean Titanium 500; Champagne Tastes, Beer Budget

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

I have never owned a Steinhart, nor have I had the chance to check one out in person, but the general reputation of the brand is that they produce well made timepieces that are affordable. Based on what I am seeing with the Steinhart Ocean Titanium 500, you can add a host of premium features to the mix of quality and affordability. Clocking in at just over $550 (based on exchange rates and no VAT), this is a classic diver that will not break the bank.


Introducing the Tag Heuer AquaRacer Ceramic

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Tag Heuer is not a brand that I have given a lot of thought to, nor have we really featured them here on these pages. Of course, I am guessing that many, if not all, of you are aware of the brand as I am. Just recently, they came out with a new version of their dive watch, and that’s what we will be discussing today. So, on with the show – it’s time to take a look at the Tag Heuer AquaRacer Ceramic.


Tactico Geomaster GMT, Spanish Infuences

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

It is not an every day occurrence, but more and more I am seeing established (albeit small) brands use crowd funding for the launch of a new product. Tactico is the latest to jump on this trend. Patrick looked at the second offering from this boutique Spanish watch maker back in 2012, and now there is a campaign on Kickstarter to get a variation on their third watch out to a larger audience. The Tactico Geomaster GMT watch is an automatic pilots watch with an ETA movement being produced in limited numbers.


Deep Blue Sun Diver 1K, More Meters per Dollar

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Overbuilt dive watches are not very rare. Inexpensive dive watches, even ones with automatic movements are not super hard to come across. But an overbuilt diver for less than $250 (currently on sale), those are not all that common. But this is what we find with the Deep Blue Sun Diver 1K dive watch. Patrick has looked at a couple of Deep Blue watches previously, but all have been north of $500.


Introducing the Obris Morgan Explorer II

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

In the course of writing about affordable watches here at WWR, we very often come across new brands, and we write about a good number of them. Sometimes those freshman outings are not the greatest. The issues we see can often be overlooked given the price points that things come in at, and we call out what we see as oversights in a model. While not totally uncommon, it is more rare that we continue to be in contact with a brand, and see a marked contrast (and improvement) in what is being offered. That is precisely what we have here today with the Obris Morgan Explorer II.


Hands On With the R. Paige Crash of ’29

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

One of the benefits of being a watch reviewer is that we get to see a lot of watches, particularly when new ones come on to the market. Or are in the process of coming, which means that on some rarer occasions we do get to go hands-on with a prototype. This is what we have today with the R. Paige Crash of ’29, which is the result of a collaboration between Richard Paige and Mark Carson of Individual Design. Let’s take a closer look at what this collaboration has wrought, shall we?