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The Peren Son of the Dragon chrono will singe your wrist

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

When it comes to watches launching on Kickstarter, you have the same old retread story (couldn’t find what we wanted, decided to make our own), and then there are some brands that come up with their own truly unique story. In the case of this latest watch we’re featuring, it would be that the guy behind the brand is a descendant of Transylvanian nobility – so there’s a big influence from that region’s mythology and history. Does that mean the Peren Son of the Dragon is worth your time?

Introducing the Freedom to Exist 40

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

If you want a slim quartz three-hander, you have no end of choices when it comes to what has been showing up on Kickstarter. Now, if you want one that is discernibly different from the five that preceded it, and the five after, then you are a bit more stuck. To put it plainly, there are just a lot of carbon copies out there with the only real difference being the name on the dial. Then you run across things like the Freedom to Exist 40, and you see something that mixes up the formula just a bit.

At last – hands-on with the WT Author 1905

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

WT Author is one of those brands that I’ve been pleasantly surprised to run across. They have been creating watches unlike what we had seen prior (at least in the modern era of watches), and they have an overarching plan (and timeline) for how their total collection will play out. We saw it start off with the WT Author 1905 (link), then move on to the 1914 (link), and most recently, the 1929 (link). While we had been able to provide hands-on impressions of the latter two models, that first had been limited to just the pictures we had seen, and viewing it through the lens of the design cues that carried forward onto the subsequent models. As fortune would have it, we were able to work with WT Author to have a WT Author 1905 sent over, so let’s travel back in time and have a look at what it offers.

Circling Time With Bonhoff IP-3.0

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Often when we think of a wristwatch, we come at the concept with some rather preconceived notions of how the watch should function and how it will indicate the time. This is fine, because as a tool, we need to know how to rely on our watches to be used as designed with a minimum of fuss. As with any tool, however, there are ways to massage the standard format to take things in more unique directions. For watches, we see that quite a bit in the digital side, but nowhere near as much in the analog side of things. The latest entry into the genre of “analog time twisters” is from Bonhoff, known simply as the Bonhoff IP-3.0.