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The Alvieri Firenze bubbles up on Kickstarter

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

As you might imagine, we get all manner of emails coming in here at WWR telling us about new watches. While this is an invaluable stream of information, it sometimes can have a frustrating signal-to-noise ratio. Fortunately, most of those messages contain an image or two of the watch that is being introduced, and this lets us easily hone in on what is of interest to us and our readers. Even though I did not know anything about the specifications (or even the pricing) of the Alvieri Firenze, when I saw the images, I was fairly certain this would be a watch we would cover.


Rossling & Co looks to fund their new Metropolitan

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

It can be quite a treat to see a brand come along and then start to explore new avenues of design. One such of those brands would be Rossling & Co. We became aware of them early on in their kickstarted existence, and just recently they started up a new project, with a design that takes their previous design in a new direction. So, what does the new Rossling & Co Metropolitan collection have in store for you?


Adding a layer with the Filson Short Cruiser

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

If you stop and think about it, watches really are an accessory. Yes, they are extremely useful accessories, but they are add-ons to what we wear, are they not? If we pull on that thread of reasoning, then, the topic of watches, and what watch you wear, is really an extension of what might be called Men’s Fashion, or Men’s Style. To that end, we here at WWR thought it would make sense to start taking a look at items from the world of Men’s style, hopefully in scenarios where it’s somehow related to the watch world. In this case, we had a perfect stop-off point for our first foray – Filson. They have been making watches with Shinola, which are largely an extension of the great product catalog they have built up. That means that, for our inaugural Men’s Style post, we will take a look at the Filson Short Cruiser.