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Astoncain Minimalist Watch, About As Clean As It Gets

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Astoncain 01How do you set yourself apart from the other watch brands on Kickstarter? There is only so low you can go on price, and the features you offer are all tied to a cost. So then you have design, but there are lots of designs already out there, especially with Bauhaus inspired minimalism. Astoncain decided to go nearly as clean as they could with the design, removing even the branding from the face of their watch, currently up on Kickstarter.


Tempest One Forged Carbon Watch

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Kickstarter is full of watch projects where the creators claim that they are trying to do something new, or they couldn’t find the watch they wanted so they made their own… To be honest, however, it is rare that these projects are actually really unique. They may be attractive and a good value, but rarely are they unique. Tempest just posted a project that certainly fits the unique bill though. The Tempest One Forged Carbon Watch is not only an attractive watch and a pretty good value, but it is going to be the envy of all your tech-loving friends.


The Nite Icon T100 Review

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Tritium-equipped watches are nothing new to these pages. We have taken a look at a few different brands and varieties over the past few years, and I always have come away enamored with the light output (and colors of said light) of the watches. Today, we have got something a bit different with regards to the tubes used. For the first time here, we will be featuring a watch that has flat tritium tubes – the Nite Icon T100.


Thomas Earnshaw Meteorite Watch Review

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

There are a variety of finishes and styles available for dials these days, and you can pretty easily find something that is to your liking. If you want something that is unique to the piece, but do not actually want to go the route of a custom watch, natural materials are your friend. This often takes the form of colorful stones (think marble) or even semi-precious stones. For something a bit more “out of this world”, you might opt for something like the Thomas Earnshaw Meteorite.


October Crowd Funded Compilation

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

In as much as anyone has a beat at WWR, I have the crowd funded beat. My introduction to the site came via a Kiackstarter project, I nurtured my relationship with Patrick by feeding more and more Kickstarter reviews, and I have purchased a couple of Kickstarter watches. Project creators are reaching out to us in the hopes of highlighting their projects, and I want to encourage that. But the truth is, we can’t cover them all. So from time to time, I will put together a Crowd Funded Compilation post of watches that otherwise have not had stand alone reviews. Many of these watches are a fair bit away from their funding threshold, so a pledge may end up getting canceled if the watch does not make it.


Birline Super Slim, Colors Galore

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

I see a lot of new watch projects on crowd funded sites, and most of them try to come up with a way to distinguish themselves from the pack. With so many watch designs out there, it is tough to do. Some do create a unique product, but many fall into the “same old thing” category. Birline is trying to avoid that trap by focusing not only on the watch, but also on the strap. The new Birline Super Slim uses a Harris Tweed strap in a multitude of colors to set themselves apart.