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A Watch Strap Review Roundup

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Today, we’ve got something a bit different. While we’ve done reviews of watch straps in the past, they’ve generally been stand-alone affairs. Recently, though, I’ve had a good number of straps come through. Given that people are likely evaluating strap options with the change in weather, I thought it would be handy to have a watch strap roundup of sorts, covering six straps we’ve recently had in.


Weiss Watch Company Standard Issue, Just Your Standard American Issue

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

American watches have been popping up more and more on the site, some by design and some by accident. The Weiss Watch Standard Issue is one of those accidental finds, something I came across while checking out site dedicated to cool toys for guys. The fact that is it is assembles in Los Angeles, a few miles from where I write this and the city where I grew up, is a bonus in my eyes. I am a fan of clean, readable designs with interesting touches, so this watch really ticks off the right boxes for me.


Orbital by element watch, A Family Affair

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

There are a lot of kickstarter watch projects where the creator has a dream of designing a watch, and then connects with a manufacturer in China to produce the watch. Well, element watches adds a twist to that formula, in that the watch manufacturer back in China is owned by the designer’s father. The Orbital by element watch is the company’s second bite at the kickstarter apple, and in my opinion it is a more attractive watch than the (unsuccessful) first project.


Watching the Web for June 28, 2014

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Welcome back to our weekly installment, where we have a quick look at some interesting watches and articles that have popped up over the last week, as well as taking a second look at what some of our more popular articles this week were. Today, we’ve got an unexpected article on watches from The Economist, and an review from last month from The Time Bum. After those, we’ll highlight (as usual) some of our more popular posts from the last week. Read on to see what we’ve got in store for you.