Here at Knapsack, we’ll review just about anything that catches our fancy. This means all sorts of gear, gadgets, and the like (including, of course, knapsacks). What about dietary supplements? While I certainly have ones I use regularly, this is a category that is a bit trickier to quantitatively review. So, I’ve resisted it, until we had word come in about the Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic.

Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic: what is it?

If you’re not familiar with them, probiotics are a fairly common supplement, used to help out your naturally-occurring gut bacteria. In fact, you probably have encountered them, albeit it in a form you weren’t aware of. Many yogurts have probiotics in them. Of course, there are a wide variety of bacteria that can be used in this way. The Nucific Bio-X4 uses the following strains:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Bifidobacterium lactis
  • Bifidobacterium animalis

Along with those, other major ingredients you’ll find are:

  • Amylase
  • Bromelain
  • Lipase
  • Green tea extract (50% EGCG)
  • Slimaluma ™

All together, these should – according to Nucific – help you with improved digestion, reduced food cravings, and overall weight management.

Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic

Does it work?

That’s going to be the real question, right? And, as we mentioned at the outset, quantifying these sort of effects is difficult, especially with just one person (myself) testing it. So, the good news: I stopped taking my regular probiotic, and have been using Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic instead. I’ve not noticed any negative side effects or impacts to my digestion, and have continued with the same positive effects I’ve noticed as with my regular probiotic. Now, did the Nucific help me tamp down any cravings and help me reduce my weight? Here, I cannot say there were any noticeable or quantifiable changes. Again, this is just my experience, and yours may differ.

How to get your own

To get your own supply of Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic, you’ve got two options. A 90-capsule bottle (which is a 90-day supply) can be picked up directly from Nucific, or (not surprisingly) over at Amazon. If you sign up for an account at Nucific, that bottle will run you $49 (and it’s close to the same price at Amazon), so it works out to about $0.50 a capsule. If you’re dealing with some gut or digestive issues, it might be worth trying out. Of course, be sure to discuss it with your doctor if you’re dealing with a serious issue.

Nucific Bio-X4 Probiotic

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Last Update: August 12, 2024