When it comes to Kross Studio creations, they are no strangers to some amazing flights of fancy (my favorite being their Batmobile clock). Even their watch winders – like this one – have indulged geeky tendencies and have been sculptural in their own right. Their latest winder – the Kross Studio Connected Watch Winder – goes in a much more minimalistic direction.

To start with, let’s look at the base of the Kross Studio Connected Watch Winder. It’s a simple piece of formed aluminum done in a shape that we might think of for something to mount a dashboard clock into, or perhaps a charging stand for your phone. Here, it becomes the foundation for the watch winder.

The watch winder component continues the minimalism – no displays, no LEDS, and no cords (it’s AA-battery powered). There’s not even a cover that goes over your watch – it just sits there in that futuristic puck, and gets gently wound throughout the day. How do you control the Kross Studio Connected Watch Winder? Via an app (iOS or Android), of course!

This sort of industrial minimalism does not come inexpensively, however. If you want to have the Kross Studio Connected Watch Winder adorn your shelf, you’ll need to bring 1,750 CHF (approximately $1,821) along for the ride. It may not be for everyone, but its definitely a beautiful piece that will get the job done. kross-studio.ch

Tech Specs from Kross Studio
- Model Name: Kross Studio Aluminum Watch Winder
- General
- Reference: KSASW22
- Material: Anodized aluminum
- Parts: 26
- International warranty: 2 years + 3 years warranty extension upon registration of the product on our website.
- Rotary winder
- Power: 4 Lithium/Alkaline AA 1.5 (LR6) batteries
- Configuration: Pre-configured
- Rotation speed: 13.6 turns/minute
- Dimensions
- Length 130mm (5.1 inches)
- Width 150mm (5.9 inches)
- Height 215mm (8.5 inches)
- Weight 2kg (4.4 pounds)