Long-time readers of this site will realize that this is not the first time I’ve written about this particular Skagen.  While formally known as the Skagen 281LSXB, I simply call it the Skagen Dual Time.  This is the oldest (in terms of my ownership of the watch) watch in my collection, and it holds a very near-and-dear spot in my clockwork heart.  You see, I wore the Skagen Dual Time for the very first time on the day of my wedding.

That also means that it’s now 13 years – to the day – that I’ve had the Skagen Dual Time as an option to put on my wrist.  While it may not get there with much frequency, I still like keeping it up and running (though it does now need a new set of batteries).  Even now, I still like the 30mm wide by only 7mm thick (and it’s curved as well) case, as it’s a nice fit to my wrist.

Sure, these days I certainly have other dress watch options, and quartz movements are the minority in what I have.  That said, the Skagen Dual Time represents – to me – the frame of mind I was in back then, when it comes to watches.  And now, ten years down the road, I can see that things have changed in many ways (we’ll just call it maturing and growth, right?)  And hey, maybe this is the watch that’s the genesis of my current love of GMT watches…

At the end of the day, no, the Skagen Dual Time (with it’s dual quartz movements) is not the height of technical prowess, and probably falls into the category of “fashion watch” that many avoid.  However, this is a watch that holds a special place for me, and will be as inseparable from me as my wedding ring and my wife.  13 years on, and what a ride it’s been.  Happy anniversary, honey!

Last Update: March 7, 2021

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