If you recall, last summer we brought you word of a brand-new batch of G-Shock G-LIDE watches that brought a more compact size to the table (you can see that here). Well, it’s warm weather again, which means there’s new variants of the G-Shock G-LIDE GLXS5600 available.


Drawing inspiration from serene beachfronts around the globe, these watches are designed in two striking colors that capture the essence of coastal beauty. The GLXS5600-2 comes in a rich blue, reminiscent of the deep, mesmerizing hues of ocean waves, embodying the calming yet powerful spirit of the sea. In contrast, the GLXS5600-7B, presented in pristine white, symbolizes the pure, untouched beauty of sandy beaches, reflecting the soft, inviting sands that line the coastline. These color choices encapsulate the tranquility and elegance of a beachside escape, making the watches ideal for ocean lovers and beach enthusiasts.

  • GLXS5600
  • GLXS5600
  • GLXS5600

Equipped with a tide graph and moon data, prominently displayed on the watch face, each model provides essential tools for surfers and marine sports enthusiasts. These features ensure that wearers are well-prepared for their coastal adventures.

  • GLXS5600
  • GLXS5600

In line with G-SHOCK’s commitment to sustainability, the bezel and band of these timepieces are crafted from eco-friendly biomass-based resin. This innovative material utilizes renewable organic resources, minimizing environmental impact while maintaining the robust quality that G-SHOCK is known for.


The GLXS5600-2 and GLXS5600-7B timepieces not only reflect G-SHOCK’s dedication to durability and functionality but also its drive towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. These new models are perfect companions for those who seek to blend style with a passion for nature and the sea.

Both the blue and the white variants are available now for $99. casio.com

Tech Specs

  • Shock Resistance?? 
  • 200M Water Resistance? 
  • LED Light (Super Illuminator) w/Flash Alert
  • Tide & Moon Graph 
  • World Time (29 TZ / 48 City)
  • Multi-function Alarm (1 with Snooze Alarm)
  • 1/100 Sec Stopwatch (24 Hr.)
  • Countdown Timer (24 Hr.)
  • 12/24 Hr. Time Formats

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Featured, G-Shock,

Last Update: June 20, 2024