Over the past few years, we’ve seen a veritable explosion in products that feature either CBD or THC. Sure, you’ve got your local dispensary (if you’re in a legalized state), but those are not the only options out there. If the CBD-infused drinks have caught your attention, you may also want to check out these options from CQ Drinks.

What are they?

While CQ offers cola and ginger ale options, what we tried out were the “flavor shots” that they have. With these, you have three different flavors (each has a different strain), as well as a choice in strength (ie, how many milligrams of THC is in there). We were able to try out the Old Fashioned Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade, and Agua Fresca flavors.

How do you drink these?

With the CQ shots, you’ve got your choice – you can try a straight capful of the shot, or you can mix it in to your favorite drink. If you try it straight, you’ll find the flavors are labelled pretty faithfully. Lemonade, strawberry lemonade, or agua fresca? Those taste just like the flavor on the bottle says. You’ll have that flavor up front, and then you’ll get the herbal/earthy notes quickly after.

On the other hand, if you mix these into a drink (we liked putting it into sparkling water), then you get just a hint of the main flavor, and then none of the herbal notes. Mixing it into a larger water also lets you spread out your ingestion a bit, giving you a bit more control over how it affects you.

How do these affect you?

As with so many things in life – it depends. Different strains hit people differently, and how much you imbibe will also impact things. We found that – when mixed into a large glass of sparkling water – the effects eased in, and just made for a sort of comfortable relaxed state.

Wrapping things up

As of right now, these CQ shots are available in CA, MA, IL, and MI, with pricing right at $15. If you’re finding yourself friendly to THC, and are looking for a way to mix up a drink without a drop of alcohol, we think that these are a great path to explore. Check out the full range, and figure out where you can get yours, over at drinkcq.com

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Last Update: February 13, 2024