There are many watch crowdfunding campaigns, and it’s the rare ones that attempt something other than just…
Smartwatches aren’t real watches but the Skagen Hagen comes pretty close. This new piece from the Danish…
We do go on about the merits of a nice automatic mechanical wristwatch, and we talk about…
Rubbin’ is Racin’. Tradin’ Paint. American Racin’ goes round and round with just left turns. F1. Bonneville Salt Flats. Watches and autos have gone together for as long as people have been pushing motorcars past the limits of good sense.
Like the inimitable Wesley Willis, Willis Judd is best known for bold and magnetic performances. This company…
Techné watches, founded in 2007, has been making quartz and mechanical watches for a while. Now they’re…
Vincero has done the uncommon; they’ve caused me to consult the dictionary, so that I can support…
When it comes to watches, I am generally able to figure out how to read the time on the watch, as well as grasping at least the basics of how it is things are being indicated on the dial. With a simple three-hander, there’s not much to decipher, as it’s rather familiar. You can get into some esoteric designs and displays though, and then it gets a bit trickier. I will admit, when I first saw the images of the Drawing 17 from Projects Watches, I finally had to ask the brand to enlighten me as to how it was working.
In the vast panoply of watch brands, it is inevitable that there are some brands that we simply have never covered, whatever the reason may be. Luminox is one of those brands. For me, I was always aware of them (I still remember seeing the workbench ads in Popular Mechanics), but we just never made contact. Well, that is, until recently. I had run across a particular model (as it turns, a rather old one), and went chasing things down to get some solid contacts with the brand. As it were, that watch was no longer available, but of course, there was plenty of others in the catalog to have a look at. And that, dear reader, is how we arrived at today, with my review of the Luminox 1924.
Jake Schmidt is a paracord lover. He’s a nature lover, a luxury house lover, and a paracord lover. Jake’s long-term goal is to build a community of paracord lovers to show off their different weaves, tutorials, and more.