HTP Has A Strap Promo Going On
Remember way back when when I told you about the Human Time Project? Well, if not, just read the article linked…
A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.
Remember way back when when I told you about the Human Time Project? Well, if not, just read the article linked…
The Timex brand is no stranger to these pages, but it has been a little bit since we’ve had…
I first ran across BaliHa’i almost a year ago, and recently we’ve had some hands-on time with one of their…
If you spend any amount of time surfing watch blogs or forums, you’ve no doubt come across Kain Heritage. Today,…
TokyoFlash has put out quite the variety of interesting watch models, and I’ve also seen other watches that put…
The Dino was the first OP watch that we looked at, so it’s somewhat appropriate that the last one in this…
While Raven isn’t as well known (or covered) on these pages as Benarus, they’re actually coming from the same…
While the Sea Snake has been one of my favorites from Benarus, the Moray line is also rather appealing. If…
Yesterday, we started our review of the Swiss Eagle, taking a look at some of the design elements, as…
Today, we’ve come to the last Swiss Eagle model that we’ve currently got on hand for a review – the…