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Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.


HMT Janata Review

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I brought you a review of the HMT Poljot, an extremely affordable (under $50) hand-wound watch out of India. That post garnered a lot of interest, and to this day I still get inquiries as to where, exactly, I picked the watch up, as people wanted to get their own. Today, we’ll have a look at a slightly different model, the Janata.

Cloudy Sky Leather Button Stud Strap Review

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Reviews of watch straps have slowed down here a bit, but one of our more recent discoveries from last year is back with a new style for your consideration. If you recall, the last time we took a look at Cloudy Sky (here), we covered a one-piece strap that is custom fit to your wrist, and we came away impressed. This time around, we’ve got another one-piece strap, with something a bit different.

Historical Horology – A Brief Treatise on the History of Clocks And Watches

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Our Historical Horology post of two weeks back inspired our friends over at Offshore Limited (link to review) to reach out, as they had some more information for us. In the article, we covered why we say “o’ clock” when stating the time. Lorne Giffords, the guy behind the brand, had some additional light to shed on the subject – specifically, where the word clock even came from.

Magrette Moana Pacific Pro Vintage Review

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

For long-time readers of our site, Magrette is a brand that needs no introduction. Hailing from New Zealand, their cushion-cased watches have been favorably received, offering a great combination of styling and price. Today, we’ll be looking one of their latest iterations of the Moana Professional, the Vintage Brown. Along with offering a new colorway, it also serves to introduce their new travel wallet.

Watching the Web for April 19, 2014

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Welcome back to our weekly installment, where we have a quick look at some interesting watches and articles that have popped up over the last week, as well as taking a second look at what some of our more popular articles this week were. Today, we’ve got a dive into the history of the Seiko 5, and one very intriguing (perhaps groundbreaking) watch. After those, we’ll highlight (as usual) some of our more popular posts from the last week. Read on to see what we’ve got in store for you.