AVI-8-Flyboy-Automatic (10)

That’s right – for me, August marks a milestone of sorts for me here at WWR – it’s when I officially came on board, and had my first watch article (ever) published.  Given that this means I’m marking my three-year anniversary here, I thought we’d do something a bit different for our August giveaway.


For starters, how about the fact that it’ll be for three watches, and not just one?  Not too shabby, eh?  The watches in question are:

Given that this is a bigger giveaway, I’ve also adjust the social entry on the widget below.  Basically, every day you tweet about the contest, you’ll get another ticket in the virtual bucket.  When things close out, we’ll have the three winners picked, and your comments below will help to determine who gets what.  In the event of a tie, we’ll work through in the order that the winners are selected.

Fjord Agna 4.jpg

Good luck to you all!


For those of you who have won recently, please let others get in and get a chance

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Last Update: August 1, 2014