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Tempest One Forged Carbon Watch

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

Kickstarter is full of watch projects where the creators claim that they are trying to do something new, or they couldn’t find the watch they wanted so they made their own… To be honest, however, it is rare that these projects are actually really unique. They may be attractive and a good value, but rarely are they unique. Tempest just posted a project that certainly fits the unique bill though. The Tempest One Forged Carbon Watch is not only an attractive watch and a pretty good value, but it is going to be the envy of all your tech-loving friends.


Forging ahead with the Tempest Carbon2

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

One of the absolute great things about being a watch reviewer is the number of watches that we get coming across our desks. Yeah, it can be overwhelming at times, but the sheer variety keeps things interesting. It’s even better when you start a relationship up with a brand, and you get to experience their watches changing and improving over time. It was only a year and a half ago that we got to talk about the most affordable forged carbon watch at the time, the Tempest One. Well, as you can guess with that title up above, the second gen has arrived. Read on to see what we thought of the Tempest Carbon2 in our time with it.


Going Hands-On With The Tempest Carbon

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Back in December, we brought you word of the latest offering from Tempest, the Tempest Carbon. In that writeup, I lamented the fact that our friends over at aBlogtoWatch were able to spend some time with the prototype. Well, supporting the saying that “good things come to those who wait”, we actually got to spend some time with the prototype ourselves. So, what is it like having the Tempest Carbon on the wrist


Introducing the Vilhelm Elemental

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

When it comes to the watches that collectors are on the search for, materials can often play a critical role. While that often focuses on the precious metals, there have been an interesting mix of other materials as of late. Some of you likely have experienced a titanium watch, or one with some ceramic on it (usually a bezel), or perhaps even forged carbon fiber. Those materials generally show up on the higher-end watches. What if there was an affordable watch that managed to combine all three? That’s what the Vilhelm Elemental is going for.


Crowd Funding Wrap-up for 2014

Matt Himmelstein By Matt Himmelstein

The end of the year has been a pretty busy one for me in my day job, so I have not been able to track crowd funded projects as closely as I normally do, nor as closely as I like. As a result, a number of crowd funded watch projects have slipped by me. I was able to write up the Helgray Silverstone, which has monster support, The Tempest One Forged Carbon Watch, which I really like, the Astoncain, a project that still has a shot, and the Ferro one hander, the project I am most likely to back right now. So if you did not get a watch for the holidays, consider supporting one of these projects, or the projects below.