I am not a huge fan of smartwatches, but of the ones you can actually buy today, the Moto 360 seems to be the one with the best looks, especially if you want a smart watch that looks like a watch. But the folks at Steel Connect have come up with an enhancement, the SteelConnect M, an adapter that will let you use any 22mm strap.
I see a lot of new watch projects on crowd funded sites, and most of them try to come up with a way to distinguish themselves from the pack. With so many watch designs out there, it is tough to do. Some do create a unique product, but many fall into the “same old thing” category. Birline is trying to avoid that trap by focusing not only on the watch, but also on the strap. The new Birline Super Slim uses a Harris Tweed strap in a multitude of colors to set themselves apart.
We have had more than a handful of articles about Triwa watches, and for good reason. The brand seems to do a good job of mixing (generally) colorful styling, quality builds, and affordable prices. As I mentioned in our previous post on the Stirling Hvalen (link) the brand has been doing more around creating more subdued color combinations. This is a trend we see continued on in the Triwa Partisan Lansen.
I will admit, I am a sucker for a visually interesting watch. If you start exposing the more compelling (and kinetic) portions of the movement, then all the better. While I have only had one tourbillon cross my desk, I have to admit that it was a treat to watch in action. So, when I caught wind of the Antoine Preziuso 3volution Tourbillon, I definitely sat up and took notice.
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I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the Apple Watch and what it means for the Swiss…
webWelcome back to our weekly installment, Watching the Web, where we have a quick look at some interesting watches and articles that have popped up over the last week (or so), as well as taking a second look at what some of our more popular articles this week. I thought I would point you toward a lovely tourbillon by boutique watchmakers Manufacture Royale, as well as Los Angeles Times profile of Cameron Weiss and an opportunity for some hands on time with boutique German Watches.
We like to feature Touch of Modern sales here on WWR, for good reasons. They often have interesting timepieces at pretty decent discounts. The site does require you to sign up in order to buy, so if you have not done so already, you can join here. Right now on the site, they are featuring two interesting watch sales, one on a range of divers from Deep Blue, and the other on high end automatics from Azimuth.
Ball is a brand that first caught my eye a few years back for its use of tritium tubes in a variety of ways across their catalog. They are not just a one trick pony, though. In the last year or so, they have introduced quite a bit of technical innovations to their watches and movements. One of the latest ones that will be coming down the pike is the Ball Engineer II Magneto S Watch.
Last month, we brought you word of a new addition to the Tissot Visodate line – more precisely, a new bracelet to the lineup. From afar (and the one image that was available), I found myself rather liking the watch. Since then, we were able to spend some time with a sample, so today we are able to bring you a true review of the Tissot Visodate Milanais.